Thursday, February 18, 2010

Trying New Things: Yoplait Greek Yogurt

The other day, I was picking up some essentials at the grocery store when I spotted a new Greek yogurt made by Yoplait. I’m not going to lie, I got super excited when I saw this, especially because it’s almost a dollar cheaper than my beloved Fage! I am addicted to that stuff, but it can put a dent in your wallet, especially when you forget to go grocery shopping and have to shop at the little market by your house that charges an arm and a leg for everything. I was a tiny bit skeptical of Yoplait’s version, but decided to give it a try. Here are the details: It claims it has 2x the protein of leading yogurt (true), and it has 100 calories, 14 grams of protein, and 0 grams of fat. Not bad!

I opened it yesterday morning after my two early appointments, looking for a dose of protein. And, honestly…all I can say is, “UGH!” But I will admit that I ate it anyway because I didn’t have anything else, and I’m cheap like that. I also thought, HEY, I never try new stuff so this could be an awesome post! A review! I’m such a hip blogger now! (I sound like my mom. Apparently, I’m not up the lingo these days.)

Anyway, I got the plain version because I actually really like plain yogurt – Greek or regular – but this was just not good. It tasted like plain yogurt does when you accidentally let it sit out for an hour and it’s almost room temperature. Except I had just taken this out of the fridge and it was still chilled. Bleh. It actually tasted like it had gone bad or something, so I even checked the expiration date to make sure. Nope, March 20, 2010. It was just that gross. It was weird in a tangy way that was off even for plain yogurt. So if you don’t like plain in the first place, this might make you vom a little. The texture wasn’t terrible, but there was something weirdly chalky about the coating it left behind along with the aftertaste. Yoplait, your claim that it has a ‘unique, thick and creamy texture’ is only accurate on the ‘unique’ part.

So maybe I’m spoiled, and I like the good stuff, but I’m still telling you not to waste your money on this. It might be cheaper, but that’s because it’s kind of disgusting. As with most things in life, friends, you get what you pay for. I am willing to give other Greek yogurts a try, but my heart still belongs to Fage 2%, even if it is the most expensive. I’ll even do Chobani or Trader Joe’s brand if they’re available. But Yoplait… never again…

Have you tried any fun (or gross) new foods lately? What did you think? Any recommendations for me?


  1. Fage is very good! I use the 0% as a sour cream substitute on tacos and suchlike. You can also try ethnic markets (if you have a Greek/Turkish/Arab/Indian market nearby) for cheaper Greek yogurt. The same goes for most 'exotic' foods, because its not exotic to them and they therefore charge a more reasonable price for it. Lots of stuff that's otherwise priced out the wazoo/hard to find like mangos, pineapple, spices etc (asian grocery stores) plus the quality tends to be a lot better because the owners know what to look for.

  2. I am a Chobani fan and I too tried this Yoplait stuff and unlike you I couldn't eat it. One spoon and the rest went in the trash. Even my dog turned up her nose.

  3. Fage with the honey is my favorite!! I like the texture and the flavors better than any other yogurt i've ever had before.

  4. I also tried the Yoplait greek and had the SAME reaction. If you check out the ingredients, it's odd, they added gelatin and some kind of "milk concentrate". What's wrong with just plain cultured pasteurized nonfat milk?

    I like the Brown Cow brand, it's slightly cheaper and I found just as good.

  5. Just pitched a container of strawberry - the flavor was that weird overly sweet Frankenberry strawberry, but the worst part was the foul chalky consistency like it had been thickened with clay - GROSS!
