Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday's Quick Tip: Stretching

Clearly, I love Jane Fonda.
As the week comes to close and all of you weekend warriors start planning your lengthier workouts or sports for Saturday and Sunday, consider when you stretch.  Because you DO stretch, right?

I'm going to assume that you do stretch and give you something to work on this weekend.  One of the most important things to remember is to never stretch without warming up first.  Even if you are one of those people who has stretched before working out for her entire life, I'm telling you now: get those muscles warm first!  If you don't, your stretching could actually do more harm than good.  When you pull and push those muscles before getting the blood flowing, you run the risk of majorly injuring yourself.  Think about it this way: Stretching cold muscles is equivalent to yanking on a frozen rubber band.  The elasticity just isn't there, but you're trying to force it.  Personally, I have no desire to feel anything snap.    

So make sure you get moving before you loosen up!  You really can actually hold off on stretching until after the entire workout is done, but if you must stretch at the beginning of your workout, get at least a five-minute warmup in first.  Run, bike, have a dance party -- doesn't matter as long as you move it!  

I personally love stretching! What about you? After you've warmed up, what are YOUR favorite stretches?


  1. Stretching, hummm I am unfamiliar with that term. I never stretch before or after my workouts. I know that I should, I mean I have heard time & time again that it will help make your muscles appear long & lean which is great because I am a woman & would rather appear long & lean instead of short & not so lean. I really have no idea why I don’t stretch. My PT never would stretch me after training so I guess I figured if it was truly that important he would have done it. I guess I also don’t stretch because my legs already feel so tight that I have this off the wall idea that stretching them would only make them become tighter. I have given a lot of thought lately to joining a yoga class but still have not done it.

    So, if your telling me I have to stretch then, where do I start???

  2. Ahhhh, I never stretch! Usually, because I'm a runner and not really doing any movement that would cause me to pull a muscle ( at least I don't think so?) but I did pull one a few weeks ago and MAN did it hurt. I really need to work on my motivations for stretching and would love it if you'd post some fun stretches in an article sometime!
