In the past few weeks, I feel like I've really learned the meaning of balance. I've been really working hard on getting back into a healthy routine since I left my job at the end of July to become a personal trainer/writer full time. I mean I had a few weeks to do nothing but work out and write and lay on the beach, right? Should have been easy, right? Unfortunately, that was not the case.
Somehow -- and I don't know how it happened -- I developed a social life. Guess that's what happens when you aren't working 40-plus hours a week and commuting 3 hours a day. Who knew? Well, anyway, a social life after 21 years of age often involves a decent amount of drinking, and that was definitely not part of my shape-up plan. Neither was an impromptu one-night trip to Michigan to live it up like a sorostitute again for one of my oldest friend's birthdays. Neither were dates with boys who do not understand why on earth you would order a light beer when it tastes like water (not that I think this, but to guys my Corona/Miller/[insert classy domestic beer] light is boring, and I'm trying to be more adventurous here!), and who think lettuce's only use is to add crunch to a burger. But the thing is, all of these things I hadn't planned on are actually pretty enjoyable, and I've been SO much happier lately. I have a life for the first time in what feels like ages, I'm meeting new people, and I'm loving summer in Chicago. And I'm learning that a few extra calories here and there don't have to completely throw me off.
Oh, right, and I'm relearning this whole flexibility thing, which for a semi Type-A personality like myself, can be a bit difficult to master at times. I'm kicking ass at the gym, and training for a half marathon with a friend long-distance (hi, Rach!). I've been lifting a ton again too, which I love because my body always looks better even if the pounds aren't flying off. And truth be told, I love lifting as much as possible and feeling like a total dude at the gym. Anyway, all of this has been a good lesson for me, and I've been handling it rather well. Was every day the epitome of balance? Was I perfect? Not by a long shot. But overall, the pattern has been pretty good. I eat well most days, and if someone calls and wants to go out, I can handle it without thinking that 2 drinks is going to completely derail me. Even if I get off track for a few days (uhhh, this weekend included two nights of staying out until 4am --who am I!?), I'm finding that I'm much better able to deal. And get back on track the next chance I get. I think I may be heading towards --dare I say it? --normal eating territory. And it feels pretty good.

This is totally me at the gym everyday. Juuuust kidding.